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Index of Pages
9-17-06 - Forest Lake RESERVIOR with 105 million gallons of RECLAIMED WATER formally christened on September 14th.
5-25-06 - Recycled wastewater stored in the recentlly upgraded FOREST LAKE RESERVOIR now being used for irrigating P.B. golf courses. A new detailed story on the PBCSD's major rehabilitation of the Reservoir is included in the May 19-25 issue of the Carmel Pine Cone.
May-06 - FOREST LAKE RESERVOIR improvement project to be completed at the end of May. The Reservoir is now filled with 325 acre-feet or 105 million gallons of recycled water that was produced at the Carmel Area Wastewater District treatment plant. This recycled water will be used for irrigation of all Forest golf courses, Stevenson School athletic fields and other recreation areas. Potable water was previously used on the private and public golf courses and recreational fields in the Forest
Pebble Beach Community Services District's Engineer Michael Niccum's Project Status report of April 28, 2006 provides additional information on this major project including details of work completed by the Anderson Pacific Engineering Construction, Inc. and other contractors.
11-05-05 - Unusual coalition of business and local governments have given notice to the State Water Resources Control Board that they oppose the BAN ON STORM WATER RUNOFF POLICY.