The News on Dues
Kathleen Burnham, Treasurer

Due to the number of members who become up to a year behind on paying dues, for a variety of reasons, and the fact that our guild’s CNCH dues are payable in the fall of each year, Ashtl’o members agreed that it would make accounting a lot simpler to put every member on the same payment schedule, regardless of which type of member you are. So, for purposes of paying your yearly dues to Ashtl’o, the year will run from September through August. That means your dues will be due in September, regardless of when you first became a member of Ashtl’o. There are two levels of membership:

1) Ashtl’o CNCH Member: $15 yearly membership; $5 goes to CNCH. EVERYONE who is a member of Ashtl’o and lives within the boundaries of the Northern California area (South Bay, Central Valley, San Francisco/East Bay, Sacramento Valley/Western Nevada, North Coast and Central Coast) MUST be a member of CNCH and pay the $5 fee through Ashtl’o. You receive the Ashtl’o newsletter, can advertise in the newsletter, and can come to all Ashtl’o meetings, workshops, get-togethers, etc. Re: the Conference of Northern California Handweavers, you are eligible for a CNCH member discount if you register for workshops/seminars at the yearly conference, you can enter a weaving for display/judging, and access to CiNCH Notes newsletter.

2) Ashtl’o Subscribing Member: $10 yearly (non-local) membership. You receive the Ashtl’o newsletter, can advertise in the newsletter, and travel to all Ashtl’o meetings, workshops, get-togethers, etc.




Rgarding how to pro-rate your current membership in order to renew in September, take the amount you are to pay ($10 or $15) and divide by 12. For example, if your membership dues come up for renewal in December, 2005, pay for December through August, 2006. That’s 9 months X either $.83 or $1.25. Then send in your next payment in September, 2006 for a full year. OR pay through August, 2007, whichever you prefer. We will initiate this new membership period immediately, so check your mailing label to see when your dues are renewable and pay accordingly, keeping in mind the September - August period.

Please make checks payable to “Ashtl’o Guild” c/o Kathleen Burnham.

If you have any questions, please email me at or call me at 831/427-1774 (wk) or 831/335-2554 (hm) .

Please make every effort to pay your dues on time. Before we drop you from the membership list (after six months), we will either contact you via your email address or by snail mail to give you one last opportunity to renew. If you have no intention of renewing and wish to discontinue your membership, please let us know. It’s not a big deal.