Requirements to set up Local Associations







Section 1. Regions
There shall be four geographical regions of CTA/NEA-Retired that shall be the same as the four geographical regions of CTA. These


Section 2. Local Associations
Local Associations may be established by retired members with local area, and shall be subject to the policies of CTA-NEA-Retired.

  1. Twenty or more CTA/NEA-Retired members may establish a chapter of CTA/NEA-Retired. Local groups may combine to constitute a chapter affiliated to the nearest chapter or UniServe unit of CTA/NEA-Retired.
  2. The CTA/NEA-Retired Board of Directors shall have the authority to recognize and issue charters to CTA/NEA-Retired locals,
  3. CTA/NEA-Retired will assist in the organization of locals to ensure that local bylaws shall be in conformity with CTA and NEA guidelines.
  4. Newly organized chapters shall be given formal recognition at the annual business meeting of the CTA/NEA-Retired Board of Directors.
  5. Subject to an annual audit, each local chapter may establish its own dues structure and budget to be used for its needs.



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