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Summary of Newspaper articles on
Pebble Beach Co.'s major deveopment plans
- Great Britain's Independent
4-24-05 - Great Britain's newspaper, Independent, provides excellent coverage of the Pebble Beach Co.'s past actions on obtaining voter approval of Measure "A" and Monterey County's approval of their development plans that allows 150 acres of the Forest to be carved up the way they want. Andrew Gumbel's April 22, 2005 story states that the PB C.'s struggle is far from over. He describes main obstacles including the California Coastal Commission and lawsuits.
- London Times
3-27-05 - London Times story covers Eastwood's plan to "fell 17,000 trees" on this website.
- San Jose Mercury News
3-25-05 - Clint Eastwood's half-billion-dollar baby--a sweeping development plan... in Del Monte Forest is covered in a San Jose Mercury News story today. It is written by Ken McLaughlin in Santa Cruz.
- USA Today
3-14-05 - USA Today newspaper story, "Pebble Beach expansion plan causes outcry" provides comments for, and against, the proposed major construction projects in Del Monte Forest. "We don't object to growth, but there should be a balance between commercial operations and the residential community." "This plan is excessive". . . are the comments of Ted Hunter, the Co-Chair of Concerned Residents of Pebble Beach. Mark Massara, Director of the Sierra Club's California Coastal Programs, said, "We view this as the largest project with the most devastating coastal impacts proposed in decades", and "We're fully committed to ensuring that it doesn't go forward." Alan Williams, the developer managing the PB Co. projects said, "Frankly we're looking past the (Coastal) Commission, to a lawsuit if we have to."
Letters to the Editor of the Monterey Peninsula Herald.
19, 2004 -
Monterey Herald
Concerned Residents
to incorrect information in the Herald
